猫咪或许不能通过语言和人类沟通,但也会通过行为表达自己的情绪。想要更好地了解自己的猫咪,这10种肢体语言就不得不懂。 下面就和东方君一起来看看猫咪的10种行为都表达了什么情绪吧~1 揣手手 If your cat is lying with her face neatly placed between the paws looking at you people around. Don't create any misconceptions about her mood if you find your cat's eyes blinking slowly, it maybe her resting time. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 猫咪将脸正好放在两只爪子上方,并以这样的姿势趴着,(看起来似乎)抬头看着周围的人,这个时候,如果你发现猫咪的眼睛慢慢地一下一下地眨,这也许只是它的休息时间,请不要误解它是不是会有其他的情绪。 Ears: notice them to find if they are resting properly as well. The ear should be available for you to spin or flip or rotate, as you like. Cats won't mind! If you think of making an indoor cat house which will give them a great comfort and if they like it, you are really lucky. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 你还可以通过观察它们的耳朵,知道它们是不是在休息。如果你喜欢的话,还可以揉转它们的耳朵。猫咪是不会介意的!如果你打算做一个舒适的室内猫屋(供猫咪休息),而且它们也喜欢,那么你就非常幸运了。2 对着你呼噜呼噜 If you notice your cat's tail on the same level with the back and a bit curled at the end, then he wants attention. Cat could then come himself against you to seek more pet and intimacy. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 如果你注意到猫尾巴和它的背部相平,而且尾巴的尾端还有一点卷曲,这就是它渴望得到关注的表现。这是猫咪在抗议你去找其他宠物,同样也不喜你对它们的亲昵行为。 Purring softly also one of their best gestures. How feeling they roll down to expose their stomach, isn't it? It is the time when you must remember that petting on their stomach is annoying expression for them. They don't like their bellies being rubbed. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 发出柔柔的咕噜声,也是猫咪(渴望得到关注的)肢体语言之一。当兴奋的时候,它们还会翻滚几下,然后露出腹部来。这个时候(它们同样希望你和它玩耍),但请记住,抚摸腹部可能会惹恼它们。猫咪并不喜欢自己腹部被碰触。3 瞳孔变大 Dilated and widened eye set with pupil in the center means they are anxious. Ears moved forwards to carefully listen sounds and grab information about the situation around; their whiskers stretching outwards and their tail moving very slowing on either sides of the body are the major signs while anxious. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 瞳孔中心变大、扩张,这意味着他们非常焦虑。耳朵向前移动,仔细听声音,捕捉周围的信息;胡须向外伸展,尾巴在身体的一侧缓慢移动,这时的猫咪非常焦虑。4 瞳孔收缩 They are really focused at times, certainly a bit more when they aim at their prey. Now how to understand that? Narrow pupil in the eyes, body smartly inclined as per the prey's position and the whiskers moved forward briskly and stretching the skin out are the most common gestures while a cat catches her preys. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 有时它们会很专注,比如它们捕猎的时候。这又该如何去理解呢?瞳孔收缩,身体向猎物的方向灵活倾斜,胡须快速前倾,伸展皮毛,这些都是猫咪捕捉猎物时最普遍的姿势动作。 Though, they are not a big hunter when the prey is that yummy thing in your hand! They will gently rub themselves against you with tail waging in the air. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 不过,猎物收入囊中后,它们却不像个猎手了!它们甚至会翘起尾巴去轻轻地蹭一蹭你。5 舒服地趴着 Do you find your cat listening to all that you people are talking in the family sitting calmly giving ears to everyone? Their legs spreading outwards while lying just like that or their hands guarding the face placed between them is another position for expressing happiness. Give them a hint and they will start playing and cuddling with you instantly. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 你是否发现家人聊天时,猫咪会静静地坐着,仿佛在倾听每个人的心声?它们趴着,腿向外伸展,或者将爪子贴在脸上,这时它们通常心情不错。如果你叫它,它也会马上和你玩耍或者扑向你。6 “喵喵喵!” Fearful is the next situation where you have to understand your kitty and make her calm down before she goes mad. Ears flat-lined outwards the face and or completely erect at times. Stiffening whiskers and widened eyes with pupil looking really scary will define your scare. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 恐惧是你必须理解猫咪的另一种情绪,并要在它狂躁前安抚好它。耳朵平直地向外伸展,有时猫咪甚至会直立起来。胡须直挺,眼睛睁大,看起来很害怕的样子,这时的猫咪感到非常恐惧。 Yes, snarling begins here when something excessively scares them up. Tail would, either be shaking very forcefully and fast or it would be hidden under the body would also describe their frightened emotion. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 当有什么东西使他们过度害怕时,它们还会乱叫。尾巴可能会非常有力、快速地摇晃,也可能藏在身体下面,这也是它们害怕的表现。7 闷闷不乐的时候 Two things happen when cats don't get what they want: either they be happy again or long-term frustration in which case you have to consult the veteran. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 当猫咪没有得到它们想要的东西时,会发生两件事:一种是重拾快乐,另一种是陷入长期的悲伤中,这个时候,你就必须去咨询养猫老手了。 The expression gestures are the same but what makes you understand that is not their anxiety or focus but they are feeling frustration in their eyes. Empty feeling eyes will pass on the emotion you will stare at them and you will know that its frustration. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 它们的表情和之前一样,但你该了解的是他们眼中的沮丧,而不是它们的焦虑或专注的情绪。你盯着它们空虚的眼睛,就会发现它们传递给你的悲伤情绪。8 生气的时候 Cats are bad when it comes to their anger. You have to tread and make them calm down very carefully. No touching gestures please since they may interpret touching gestures as a tough scold by you as well. And no one really wanna say what happens when a cat goes mad. No shouting or staring at them may calm them down soon. Leaving them alone for some time may also make them feel okay. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 当愤怒的时候,猫咪的脾气通常很坏。你必须小心谨慎地安抚它们。请不要触碰它们,因为他们可能会把你的触碰理解为严厉的责骂。没人知道猫生气后会发生什么。喊叫或盯着它们,是不可能让它们快速冷静下来。这时,不理它也许会让它感觉好一点儿。9 舒展身体的时候 Full body stretching is often misinterpreted as the tiredness that cats might be feeling. But it is more often their way to show that they are feeling thankful and relieved. Yawning and eyes giving a drowsy look and they massaging their face with paws are all conveying all about how good they are feeling. 文E 点击此处,翻译这一段 伸展全身常常被误解为猫可能感到疲劳了,其实这更多的是他们表现出感谢和舒适的方式。打哈欠,眼睛眯着,昏昏欲睡,用爪子按摩自己的脸,这些都是猫咪在传达舒适的感觉。10 带他们去上厕所 Now this is a question that needs to be answered and save you from cleaning the room every time your kitty poops there! Please notice if you find your cat not in a mood to play and neither are they angry and neither are they depressed but move towards their bathroom makes their life the best. If it's so, it is their time to poop and unload themselves! 文E 现在有一个问题,如何避免每次猫咪大便后打扫房间呢?如果你发现猫咪没有心情玩,不生气、不沮丧,这时你就需要注意了,把它们抱到猫砂处会让它们感到好些。如果是这样的话,现在是他们拉便便和卸货的时候了! 怎么样,作为铲屎官的你,有没有学到猫咪的这10种语言呢?